Computer Based Training provides an engaging, interactive learning experience that is rich in media such as graphics, sounds, animations, videos and complex simulations. The learning can be instructor-led or self-paced.
Although our courseware development services are normally bespoke (based on the requirements of the customer) an expanding range of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) training products are now available.
Many of these products are suitable for EASA Part 66 or aviation groundschool use and can be purchased online now by visiting our EASA Part 66 page.
Sphaera supplies aviation training software to the air forces, airlines, groundschools and aerospace engineering colleges around the world.
This includes interactive 3D models of aircraft and system components, intelligent system diagrams, instrument trainers, cockpit graphics and emulated control panels.
Widely used within the aerospace industry, non-destructive testing (or NDT) is the process by which materials are tested for defects without affecting their serviceability.
In partnership with NDT Resources Ltd, Sphaera can provide bespoke training material to support the training for all the most popular NDT methods.
Our high quality 2D or 3D graphics and animations enable students to gain a thorough understanding of how equipment looks and how assemblies, sub-assemblies and components fit together.
Our graphics can be delivered as part of a bespoke CBT package, as stand alone classroom training aids or they can even be imported directly into any instructor's existing PowerPoint presentation.
If required, we can assist you to create an accurate training needs analysis (TNA) which will identify your training requirements and the most cost effective solution. For more information, click here.