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eLearning | Computer Based Training | Systems Simulation

Interactive Gyroscope  > Rigidity

Gyroscope Rigidity

Rigidity is a property of a gyroscope defined in the First Law of Gyrodynamics:

If a rotating body is so mounted as to be completely free to move about any axis through the centre of the mass, then its spin axis remains fixed in inertial space however much the frame may be displaced.


Gyroscope Rigidity

So what does this mean?

This means that even if the location of the gyroscope changes, the axis of the spin will continue to point in the same direction relative to space (unless acted upon by an external force or torque).

The image shows a gyroscope starting at a latitude of 0° and then moving to a latitude of 48°. As per the law, the gyroscope continues to point to the same point in space.

When viewed from space, this behaviour appears very intuitive.

Gyroscope rigidity views fron Earth

However, when viewed as if we were flying alongside the gyrospcope, the effect of rigidity makes it appear as though the spin axis of the gyroscope has tilted. We can see this from the two inset images, which look very different.

In fact, the gyroscope has not tilted. It has continued to point to the same point in space.

It is us that have tilted, whilst following the curvature of the Earth!

Rigidity, combined with the rotation of the Earth, is responsible for the effects known as apparent wander and transport wander.

The Interactive Gyroscope inlcudes a fully interactive gyroscope and model of the Earth, enabling the clear demonstration the following gyroscopic principles and properties: